US Schools

St. Anthony’s High School

Description: Accommodation: Homestay
Number of students: about 2560 people
Placement: CUNY, New York University, University of Buffalo, SUNY

When Saint Anthony's High School opened its doors in 1933, it brought to LongIsland an 800-year-old Franciscan tradition of excellence in education. Founded on the Franciscan principle, "Capture the heart and the mind will follow," this Roman Catholic college preparatory school encourages young men and women to nurture their moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical faculties in an atmosphere of faith, respect and encouragement.

The basic curriculum at Saint Anthony's includes required courses in:
Theology, English, Social Studies, Physical Education (4 years, Mathematics, Science, French or Spanish (3 years), Health, Art, Music or Drama (1 year)

住宿: 寄宿家庭
學生人數: 約2560人
升往院校: CUNY, New York University, University of Buffalo, SUNY


神學 英語 社會研究 體育(4年) 數學 科學 法文或西班牙文(3年)
健康 藝術,音樂或戲劇(1年)
Address: Long Island, NY
Located in: US Schools
 Address: 1777 Level 17, Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    Tel: (852) 2311 8408