US Schools

University of South Florida

Description: School type: public universities
Campus Area: 1,561 acres
Found: 1956
Entry requirements: Moderate
Enrollment periods: Summer / Fall
Programme: Associate, bachelor, masters and doctoral
students: 30,900 international students: 2%
student teacher ratio of: 28: 1
ESL: provided

USF at the bachelor's, master's and doctorate offers 232 courses, including 89 bachelor's degree, 97 degree and 36 PhD degree. In addition, several students can participate in countless activities. They can choose from 400 societies or organizations, and campus activities. Most of the activities are in the new student center facility, as the center of student life on campus and the heart.

學校類型: 公立大學
校園面積: 1,561英畝
建校年份: 1956
入學要求: 中等困難
入學時期: 夏季/ 秋季
課程資訊: 副學士、學士、碩士、博士
學生人數: 30,900人
國際學生人數: 2%
學生老師比例: 28:1
ESL: 有

The University of South Florida (USF) 約有52年所歷史,但相較於其它百年大學,它既年輕又有活力,而它的位置是在佛羅里達州南部的Tempa城市(註 1),是佛羅里達州其中一個重要城市,迎是一個充滿活力的現代城市,被評為第8佳美國乾淨城市。USF有11個學院共提供將近230個不同課程,包括學士、碩士、博士研究課程在內。
Address: Tampa Bay
Located in: US Schools
 Address: 1777 Level 17, Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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