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Seton Catholic High School

Description: Accommodation: Homestay
Number of students: about 400 people
Placement: Boston College, State University of New York (SUNY), University of Massachusetts

To provide a college preparatory curriculum within a Catholic faith community focusing on academic excellence, leadership and loving service to others.
Seton also has a competitive robotics team, which competes in the FIRST FRC Robotics program. The team number is 1212, and they placed 61st out of 88 teams in April 2011 in the Galileo division of the FRC World Championship. They also received the Gracious Professionalism award at the Arizona Regional competition held at Hamilton High School in March 2011.
In March 2012, the robotics team was selected by the two best teams of the Arizona FIRST Regional, Team 610 and Team 842, and won the regional along with their alliance.

住宿: 寄宿家庭
學生人數: 約400人
升往院校: Boston College, State University of New York (SUNY), University of Massachusetts


Address: upstate New York, near Canada
Located in: 美國學校
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