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Augustana College

Description: Augustana College itself is a good four-year Humanities University Liberal Arts College, so the vast majority of students, including international students is also very satisfactorily completed four courses. Caused in part of Hong Kong students in the past two years after completion of the first college courses transfer to universities ﹝ Note 4 ﹞ include:
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, etc.
Please note that you only need to use slightly more than the cost of a community college in California, and it is very rare for you to transfer to such excellent university

Augustana College有來自全美30個州約1,800的學生,另有約80名來自各國的國際學生,亦因為此校與北歐的淵源,所以有較多的挪威的學生,香港學生約五致六名。Augustana College的90%以上的學生年齡在18至22歲之間,學生平均素質很高,半數學生在中學時的成績都在班上的前四分之一。約30%的學生畢業後繼續深造,包括醫學及法律等尊科,這裡的畢業生申請醫學院的成功率高達90%。
Augustana College 本身是一間很好的四年制人文大學Liberal Arts College,所以絕大部份學生,包括國際學生也很滿意地修畢四年課程。致於部份香港同學,過往於修畢首二年大學課程後所轉往的大學﹝註4﹞則包括﹕
 University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign
 University of Minnesota – Twin Cities 等
請注意你祇需用比加州社區學院稍多的費用,就可有這麼優良的學習質素及環境,並且較容易轉入著名大學之第三年(Junior year),實在是十分難得
Address: Rock Island, Illinois
Located in: 美國學校
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