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Pacific Lutheran University

Description: The institution was reorganized as a university in 1960, reclaiming its original name.
Today Pacific Lutheran University is a comprehensive university with an enrollment of about 3,600 students. As a member of the Associated New American Colleges, PLU is committed to the integration of liberal arts studies and professional preparation. A dynamic academic program features five professional schools and selective graduate programs that maintain a strong liberal arts emphasis at their core. PLU is the only Northwest university to be listed every year within the top 15 Western region universities in the "Best Colleges" survey, published annually by U. S. News & World Report.
PLU has remained closely affiliated with the Lutheran church and is now a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. PLU cherishes its dedication to educating for lives of service, as well as its distinguished and distinctive academic program that emphasizes curricular integration and active learning.

太平洋路德大學為四年制私立大學,建立於1890年,校園占地126英畝,擁有大約3,500名全日制學生,十分註重國際教育。學校提供30多個的專業選擇,涉及自然社 會科學、電腦研究、商務、教育、藝術、音樂、戲劇,此外,大學所開設的研究生課程也具很強的實力,。其中包括由AACSB所認證的MBA課程。以商學、教 育、護理及表演等科系聞名,採用四一四學制 (上、下學期各四個月,中間有為期一個月的密集課程)。學生在這裡接受多樣化的教育,為往後的成功奠定良好基礎。另外,學校特別開設了ESL課程,加強訓練成績未到達學校標準的學生。太平洋路德大學設有商學院、教育學院、人文傳播學院、護理學院、體育學院、社會科學學院、自然科學學院、人文學院及5個研究所課程。
Address: Tacoma
Located in: 美國學校
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