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University of Massachusetts

Description: Type of school: public universities

About the University of Massachusetts Lowell
The University of Massachusetts Lowell has been educating students for over a hundred years, and is part of the respected ˜University of Massachusetts System”. The UMass Lowell campus spans more than 125 acres along the Merrimack River, and is only a few minutes walk to the center of the City of Lowell.
UMass Lowell has five colleges, which offer over 88 majors, 72 minors, 45 ˜fast track  bachelor and masters degree programs, and a number of new Professional Science Masters programs. The university has an international reputation in Science, Engineering and Technology, and is a leader in nanotechnology, nanomanufacturing, biomanufacturing, bioinformatics and advanced materials research. The university’s signature programs include sound recording technology, plastics engineering and meteorology, as well as new programs in forensics and entrepreneurship.

學校類型: 公立大學

University of Massachusetts - Lowell, 麻省大學-Lowell分校 是一所全面性國際研究大學,校園位於社區的心臟地帶。該校在工程學、教育、藝術、健康與環境、文學、管理學、科學及社會科學這些學科,為學生提供學士、碩士、博士學位。大學的通識課程能訓練學生的批評性思考、良好的溝通技巧及對接納文化差異。每個課程的科目均為學生繼續修讀的主修和副修科打好基礎,同時賦予他們對追求知識的興趣,使他們做到終身學習。
UMass-Lowell有高質數的課程,學生有很多親身學習的機會,還會得到教職員的個人關注。大學除了透過提供多項類型的課程,還有豐富的學會、體育及其他活動,目的是為學生將來就業作出最佳準備。Navitas 與
UMass-Lowell 更合辦了一個頗成功的"Pathway Program" 給海外的學生。
Address: New England City
Located in: 美國學校
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