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Loudres Hill College

Description: Lourdes Hill is an innovative school, a place where every decision is based on current research about how girls learn, develop and thrive. It is also a school with a strong faith tradition and a deep attachment to the school’s “stories”, the parable of The Good Samaritan, the teachings of St Benedict and the healing visions of Bernadette and Mary at Lourdes. Lourdes Hill has always believed that the ultimate gift of a “Lourdes Hill” education lies in the promise of its outcomes.
The certainty of that promise is readily apparent in the classrooms every day. Like the staff and parents, visitors to Lourdes Hill often remark how connected and confident the girls are. The most important thing to note is the competence underlying that confidence. A Lourdes Hill girl knows the gift of her education, even while she is in the midst of it, and is always happy to have an opportunity to talk to prospective students and parents about what makes her school an academically challenging and joyful place to learn.

Lourdes Hill是一所创新的学校,做每一个决定都以就女孩子如何学习、成长和进步的最新研究为依归。Lourdes Hill有优良的天主教传统,积极地把学校的传统传给学生。
不但是教师和家长,凡接触Lourdes Hill的学生的人士都赞赏Lourdes Hill的学生非常有自信,懂得待人接物的道理。最重要的是,Lourdes Hill的学生具备足够的能力。她们知道Lourdes Hill给她们最好的教育,她们也很喜欢Lourdes Hill,遇到来宾时,会不期然与他们分享Lourdes Hill在学习上给她们的挑战和Lourdes Hill给她们欢乐的时光。
Address: Hawthorne, Queensland
Located in: 澳洲學校
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